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Seven Last Words From the Cross
April 15, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Join us for this National Virtual Service
COVID-19 Update: The Sanctuary is open for Worship Services, please follow posted guidelines.
Word One
Rev. Dr. Major L. Jemison
Pastor, St. John Missionary Baptist Church
Oklahoma City, OK
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” — Luke 23:34
Dr. M. L. Jemison serves as the Senior Pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church (Oklahoma City, OK), providing spiritual leadership and pastoral care for a congregation of ~2,500 members. He also functions as the church's Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer, with administrative and fiscal responsibility for 7 full-time staff, 13 part-time staff, numerous committed volunteers, an annual budget in excess of $ 1.5 million and property holdings valued at ~ $6.0 million. As St. John’s Senior Pastor, Dr. Jemison also serves as CEO of the St. John Christian Heritage Academy, a private, accredited Christian school serving students in pre-kindergarten through the sixth grade. Dr. Jemison first came to St. John in 1984 as Assistant to the Pastor, later serving as Co-Pastor with Rev. Dr. Walter K. Jackson, and becoming Senior Pastor in 2003.
Dr. Jemison was licensed in the Gospel Ministry (1974) and Ordained (1982) at the Concord Baptist Church (Dallas, TX) by the late Dr. E. K. Bailey.
In 2006, Dr. Jemison completed a historic four-year term as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc an association of approximately 2,000 Baptist churches throughout the world with a collective membership of more than 2.5 million persons. As President of PNBC, Dr. Jemison provided exceptional leadership related to the convention’s involvement in, advocacy and support of a number of civic issues and concerns, especially those directly related to the plight of African Americans and our brothers and sisters on distant shores. Dr. Jemison previously served PNBC as 1st Vice President on the local level and as President of the Southwest Region, later moving to 2nd Vice President and 1st Vice President of the national body before being elected President in 2002.
Word Two
Bishop Charles Dickerson
Pastor, Faith Covenant Community Church
Sacramento, CA
“Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise.” — Luke 23:43
Bishop Charles Dickerson is the Senior Pastor of the Faith Covenant Community Church, Sacramento, CA. He served as the Senior Pastor of Pearly Grove Baptist Church, Fresno, CA for 20 years. His formal training and preparation include a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA. He holds a Masters in Theology, Northwest Bible College and Seminary, Kirkland, WA.
In view of his academic achievements, ministry experience and high recommendation of clergy Bishop Dickerson holds an Honorary Doctorate from the Ecclesia University of Divinity International, Fresno, CA.
Dr. Dickerson is a gifted preacher/teacher, well sought-after conducting conferences, revivals, and itinerant preaching nationwide. He offers excellent support to the corporate and business sector as a facilitator and consultant.
Ministry work and service includes Presiding Prelate of Kingdom Assembly Fellowship, Member of the Sacramento, and Vicinity Baptist Ministerial Alliance, Jurisdictional Bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International and Vice Moderator of the Saint John Baptist District Association. In addition, Bishop Dickerson remains a voice and advocate for social and economic justice.
Bishop Dickerson places the Lordship of Jesus Christ as first in his life. He is a committed father and grandfather. He regards his children and grandchildren as World Changers. Family is what Bishop Dickerson calls his "first ministry".
-Preaching and Teaching with Clarity, Conviction and Compassion-
Word Three
Rev. Erica N. Williams
National Social Justice Organizer, Repairers of the Breach
Saginaw, MI
“Woman, behold thy Son.” — John 19:26

Rev. Erica N. Williams
Rev. Erica N. Williams is a Faith Leader, Organizer, International Human Rights Activist and Community Leader, who is committed to serving with head and heart. Rev. Erica is a 2016 graduate of The Howard University School of Divinity where she obtained a Master of Divinity degree. The context of her ministry lies in the intersectionality of faith and organizing. Currently, she is the National Social Justice Organizer for Repairers of the Breach, an interfaith organization founded by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II. Rev. Erica is serving as an organizer for the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.
Rev. Erica is the Founding Pastor of Set It Off Outreach Ministry, an international, interfaith, intergenerational ministry that seeks to empower, educate, and emancipate poor and working-class communities around the world. She is involved in numerous professional organizations such as the World Student Christian Federation– USA, National Homeless Union, Freedom Church of the Poor, Popular Education Project, Black Christians for Palestine, The Bread for the World Pan African Young Adult Network, NAACP, National Council of Negro Women, Top Ladies of Distinction, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and the Order of the Eastern Star.
Rev. Erica is ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Her favorite quote is by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; I choose to identify with the poor. I choose to give my life for the hungry. I choose to give my life for those who have been left out... This is the way I’m going. If it means suffering a little bit, I’m going that way...if it means dying for them, I’m going that way. Rev. Erica has dedicated her life to working to help liberate those who have been marginalized and oppressed by the unjust systems in society. Her life's mission is summed up in the Gospel passage of Luke 4:18-19.
Word Four
Bishop Garry L. Tyson
Pastor, Goodwill Baptist Church
Seattle, WA
“My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?” — Mark 15:34
Garry L. Tyson was born and reared in Starke, Florida. He is married to the former Miss Nicole Whitehead. They are the proud parents of two sons, Marcel and Marques one daughter Dominique and three grandsons Marshaun, Ashton and Tyler Marques Tyson.
For over a decade Pastor Garry L. Tyson has made it his mission to empower changed people to change the world. His message and mandate is clear, to positively impact the world.
Bishop Tyson came to the Northwest with a vision from God for the people of God. To "Show Seattle the Savior@, "King county the King of Kings", and the "Pacific Northwest the Prince of Peace.” In March of 2009 Bishop Garry L, Tyson was the first Pastor from the Pacific NW to be featured on the Word Network’s Rejoice in the Word program. Bishop Tyson and his wife First Lady Nicole have frequently hosted the TBN Broadcast of “Praise the Lord.”
In March of 2014 Bishop Tyson humbly accepted the position to serve alongside some incredible men and women of God in GUF- Global United Fellowship, under the leadership of Bishop Neil C. Ellis.
Bishop Garry Tyson Founded The Nehemiah Initiative in early spring 2017. “The Nehemiah Initiative- NI is a loose collaborative of real estate professionals that have come together in order to give African American churches information and alternatives to selling their property.
” The NI offers African American Churches in the CD - Central District alternatives to succumbing to Gentrification by maintaining and repurposing their property.. The NI is challenging the “Epidemic of displacement.” Which causes “Trauma to the community at large.
On July 28, 2020 Bishop Garry L. Tyson became the 6th President of the General Baptist Convention of the Northwest (GBCNW), and is also currently serving as the New Moderator of the MDA.
Word Five
Suffragan Bishop Janice Davis-Lee
Assoc. Minister, New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Seattle, WA
“I thirst.” — John 19:28
Janice Davis-Lee is a 4th generation preacher, the daughter of Emeritus Bishop Nathaniel J. & Dr. Addie B. Davis, Sr. in Seattle, WA and the 7th of 13 siblings who all serve in the church & community. She grew up at Bethel Christian Church in Seattle, WA the mother church of the Pacific Northwest District Council, the 13th Episcopal council of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. Bishop Davis has worked in all capacities of the church while growing up at Bethel. She has used her gift of hope by sharing the gospel to people of different faiths, ethnicity, imprisoned and homeless with a message of hope that makes a change. She shares her story of homelessness, domestic violence, loss of a son to colon cancer, caring for her senior parents, divorce, a new marriage and how to survive life storms through the word of God.
Founder & CEO Archangel Academy Learning Center, President Archangel Academy Board of Directors, Pastored Radical Faith Christian Center for 7 years, Appointed by Seattle Mayor-Council for African American Elderly, Executive Assistant to the Board of Directors for Humble Independent School District, pastoral leadership counseling, Gospel Recording Artist. Music director of Church for All Nations with a membership of over 5,000. A regular guest on the Pacific Northwest Praise the Lord Television Broadcast. She founded the annual Women of W.E.A.L.T.H. (Women Empowered Achieving Living Testimonies of Hope) conference. Founded Janice Davis Ministries a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Annual Mothers Day Gospel Brunch at the Esquire Club in Seattle, Wa. Member of the American Association of Christian Counselors.
She is an associate minister of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Seattle, WA where Rev. Dr. Robert L. Jeffrey, Sr. is her pastor. She is well known throughout the community and abroad for her dynamic speaking messages of life.
She is happily married to her college sweetheart of Brother Robert E. Lee, III.
Word Six
Bishop Sylvester Robinson
Pastor, Peace Progressive Missionary Baptist Church
Tampa, FL
“It is finished.” — John 19:30
A nationally recognized orator in the ministry of Jesus Christ is the proud but yet humbled pastor of the Peace Progressive Missionary Baptist Church in Tampa, Florida. On February 23, 2013, he was consecrated an Ordinary Bishop by the Legacy Fellowship and Ministries of Tampa, Florida Incorporated under the leadership of Presiding Prelate Bishop Michael Lewis Sr. Bishop Robinson is renowned for his profound insight into the Word of God and his ability to inspire through song. He has been regularly invited to preach the Gospel of Christ on the Christian Television Network (CTN). Bishop Robinson was also blessed to be interviewed on the Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN), an international broadcasting organization. A gifted psalmist, Bishop Robinson has appeared in numerous musical programs and projects including Bishop Derek Triplett’s “Yes, There’s Hope,” Higher Praise Chorale’s “There’s Not a Friend,” and the Christian stage play, “Man of God.”
With over twenty years of pastoral experience, Bishop Robinson is an innovator in Christian leadership methods, with verifiable results. Bishop Robinson has composed a number of training manuals for developing the church laity, administration and auxiliaries. Notable programmatic achievements and service include: establishment of annual health fairs to promote health and wellness in Gadsden County, Florida; board member of the Gadsden County Health Counsel, Chairman for the Gadsden County faith-based initiative, former Evangelist Board Chairman of the First Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Association and a host of other church ministries, programs and revivals.
A strong proponent of education, Bishop Robinson is highly accomplished himself. He holds a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from Florida Memorial College. Additionally, he has undergraduate and graduate degrees from Brevard Christian University in the areas of Biblical Studies (1996) and Christian Counseling (1997). In 2006, he completed doctoral studies in Christian Education at the Universal Bible College.
Bishop Robinson is a devoted civic leader who is committed to promoting public safety. He is a former honorary chaplain for the Midway Police Department (Midway, Florida), where he was responsible for ministering and counseling police officers and victims of crime.
Bishop Robinson is married to the lovely Tammy (Dooley) Robinson. Together, they share three wonderful children: Jasmene, Sylvester and Cameron.
Word Seven
Rev. Dr. John W. Kinney
Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Richmond, VA
“Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.” — Luke 23:46

Rev. Dr. John W. Kinney
Dr. John W. Kinney is a native of Wheeling, West Virginia. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees from Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia and Virginia Union University of Theology in Richmond, Virginia, respectively. He was awarded the Ph.D. from Columbia University/Union Theological Seminary in New York.
Dr. Kinney has devoted himself to the pursuit of excellence in theological training and preparation and has distinguished himself as a systematic theologian, academician and administrator in a career that spans some thirty-five years. The School of Theology has been blessed with his unique leadership in several capacities and he has shared in instruction at Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois; Randolph Macon College, Ashland, Virginia; Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia; and the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.
Dr. Kinney is currently a consultant to the American Baptist Convention, the Progressive National Baptist Convention, the Baptist General Convention of Virginia and both the United States Navy and Army Chaplain Corps. He has been a member of the American Society of Church History, the American Academy of Religion and the Society for the Study of Black Religion. He served as a member on the Commission on Accrediting for the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada from 2000-2006 and chaired the commission from 2004-2006. He has also served as vice president of the Association of Theological Schools from 2006-2008, and in June 2008, he was elected president of this organization that gives direction to all accredited theological schools in North America. Having completed his two year tenure as president, Dr. Kinney now serves as the Chair of the Personnel Committee.
As dean of the School of Theology at Virginia Union University (STVU), Dr. Kinney is known as a giant in theological education. Under his visionary leadership, STVU has given birth to a Doctor of Ministry Program and a Master of Arts in Christian Education Program. The school has experienced unparalleled growth in the Master of Divinity Program and expanded the Continuing Education Program to include activities which serve over 5,000 lay and professional church leaders annually. As a leader, he is esteemed for his thorough training and theological preparation.
Dr. Kinney is nationally known not only as a prolific scholar, but also as a gifted preacher as his service in the academy is complemented by his service in the parish. He has served as the pastor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church, Beaverdam, Virginia for over 30 years, where his vision and spiritual guidance have resulted in a growing ministry within the church and community. Dr. Kinney shares his life, work and ministry with his wife, Quentina. They are the proud parents of three birth children and four foster children who have blessed them with 18 grandchildren.
- Date:
- April 15, 2022
- Time:
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Event Category:
- Events
- New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
124 - 21st Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122 United States + Google Map - Phone
- 206-323-4212
- View Venue Website
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