• History

Located in the heart of Seattle, New Hope Missionary Baptist Church was built on the Bible and continues its mission to transform the world as we Glorify God on all Levels.

As a multi-generational church community, we meet needs through a variety of:

  • worship experiences;
  • Sunday School and discipleship options; and
  • fellowship and outreach events.

There’s always something happening here, and we’d love to help you plug in!


On September 18, 1949, Dr. C. E. Williams and Deacon Ivory Luke (both now deceased) met to discuss plans for organizing a church. The vision was that this church would represent a place where worship  would  be harmonious.

The first services were held in a building that formerly served as a grocery store at 1724 East Yesler. At that time, the membership consisted of eight people, of which three were deacons. It was decided that the church name would be New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. New Hope, because of the many disappointments that the people had suffered in the city of Seattle concerning churches. This church would definitely give 'new hope' to all who would come.

After three months in the building at East Yesler and $800.00 in pledges, we were able to purchase the building next door to our present site on 21st Avenue. The church began to grow and on November 13, 1949, twenty-five members united with the church.

On December 4, 1949, we were blessed to have 80 people partake of the Lord's Supper. Also in December the members voted to purchase the property located at 120 - 21st Avenue. They made the down payment during February 1950 to purchase the building, which would seat 180 persons.

On July 27, 1958 at 3:00 p.m, groundbreaking services were held on the vacant lot where the old building stood. The construction on the new church began September 15, 1958. Upon completion of the lower auditorium, we held our first service on March 29, 1959, which was Easter Sunday. The main auditorium was completed on June 21, 1959 and we marched into the church praising God for all He had done. The membership had grown tremendously from eight to four hundred and ninety. By August of 1963, our membership had risen to six hundred.

The original cost of the church was to be $80,000.00 but with changes and material cost increases, it v,1ent up to $150,000. We were able to pay off the mortgage of the church in 1970   but did not have enough money to build an educational building, which was one of the dreams of Dr. Williams. He told the church," We cannot stop here; we must build an educational building where our children can be trained for the work of the Lord".

On Sunday, March 25, 1985 after presiding over the Sunday evening fellowship service, God in His infinite wisdom called the Reverend Dr. C. E. Williams home to rest.

In May of 1986, the Reverend Dr. Robert L. Jeffrey, Sr., of Roanoke, Virginia came to continue the leadership at New Hope. He came with a vision, and many new programs and ministries were put into action, such as the Sunday School on Wheels, Jail and Prison Ministry, Unity Walk-a­ thon, Weekly Feeding Program, Luke-Hendrix Transitional Housing, and many others.

On May 17, 1994, a devastating fire destroyed the building of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church but not the Church. This fire took away from the congregation and community a building that had stood as a beacon of hope and light for 45 years.

The Sunday after the fire, May 24, 1994, worship service was held in a tent donated by a community organization to the south of the burned building on the same property.

The Helene Matthews East Madison YMCA offered their facility to us and we began to worship in their building on June 5, 1994. We continued to use their building until November 19, 1995, when we moved to the Emerald City Seventh Day Adventist Church.

On Sunday, May 19, 1996, we had our groundbreaking services in the same location where the original building stood. We marched from Emerald City Seventh Day Adventist Church to the site.

Out of the Ashes - A New Hope in   1999.

Despite another fire attempt on October 31, 1998, the disappointments, the construction delays, the frustrations, the lessons and the trials, we kept the faith and allowed God to guide us through the valley. We received the victory through Jesus Christ! To God be the glory for the things He has done!

On Sunday, January 31, 1999, after a little over four and a half years of God's abounding love and mercy and the people's hope and faith, we held our first service in the new sanctuary. There are no words to describe the feeling that each of us felt at "coming home". God had sustained us and has kept the spirit of unity around us. Despite the fire, we had maintained a membership of 400 and the Lord is still adding to the list as He sees  fit.

Our Dedication Service of our new building and the rededication of us, the church body, was  held Sunday, February 7 through  Sunday, February 14,  1999, ending on Valentine's  Day - a day of love and happiness, happy to be back  home.